Women are well aware of the difference between large, thick and just long male genitals.
The thickness of the penis for the fair sex is much more important than its length. It's the thick phallus they call the big penis, as it is able to stimulate the erogenous zones at the entrance to the vagina, including the clitoris and labia minora. A long but thin penis does not bring a woman much joy, but it can cause pain and even bleeding. Therefore, men who are concerned about the problem of penis size should first think about how to increase their thickness.
The penis is made of living tissue called cavernous tissue. Tissue caves are chambers that fill with blood during an erection. The cavernous tissues of Organs genitals form corpus cavernosum and spongy. The corpora cavernosa are formed into two rods that form the base of the penis. The spongy body wraps around the urethra, protecting it from compression, and gently passes to the head of the penis. The corpora cavernosa and spongy can stretch in width and length and also grow due to the increased number of cells. Many methods of increasing the length and diameter of the penis are based on this. The skin does not interfere with changing the size of the penis and is able to adapt to any size of the penis. The urethra does not enlarge. Therefore, increasing the diameter of the penis is only possible due to the cavernous tissues of the penis. You can do this at home with your own hands or decide to have a surgical operation in a medical institution.
Proven Methods to Increase Penis Width
Time-tested folk remedies, as well as medical devices and drugs, can increase penis diameter at home. These include:
- manual methods;
- the use of vacuum pumps;
- use of extenders.
Manual methods include performing exercises aimed at increasing the girth of the penis. The exercise technique causes the tissue to expand and expand. The penis must be warm and erect. The use of lubricant is mandatory.
- The limb is warmed with warm water, dried with a towel and covered with gel or another lubricant.
- Erection is induced by gentle caressing.
- The penis is compressed with the palm of the hand, held for several seconds, and then the compression force decreases.
- Squeezing and opening the palm of the hand, we run the blood along the penis towards the head.
- The intense blood flow expands the cavernous tissue to the limit. The member starts to grow in width.
- The exercise is performed for 15-20 minutes or until painful sensations appear.
- The exercise session ends with a light, soothing massage of the penis. Masturbation is excluded.
Attention: if there is pain in Organs genitals, exercise should be suspended for 2 to 3 days.
The vacuum pump is a penis cylinder and an air evacuation system. The limb is placed in a cylinder, the air is evacuated. The pump increases the thickness of the penis by creating a zone of reduced pressure around you. The body's blood penetrates intensely into the organ, filling the corpora cavernosa, elongating them in width. The pump runs for 5 to 10 minutes. During this time, not only does the diameter of the penis increase, but also its length, and an erection occurs even with reduced erectile function. The systematic use of a vacuum pump allows you to significantly increase the thickness of the penis without much effort. The pump can also be used immediately before intercourse.
Attention: the vacuum cleaner cannot be used as a vacuum pump.

An extender is a device that is placed on the penis and keeps it in a stretched state for a certain period of time. You must use the extender for several hours a day. This is not entirely convenient, but it does allow you to increase the thickness and length of the penis. To use the extender, you need to:
- Place the device on the penis;
- Stretch the penis with a screw mechanism;
- Use a spring mechanism to adjust penile tension.
- Use the device for several hours a day.
In mechanically elongated cavernous tissues, cell division occurs, which causes an increase in the diameter and length of the penis. The formed cells do not disappear, so the phallus maintains its new size.
The methods considered are capable of increasing the diameter of the penis, but this process is time-consuming or gives only momentary results.
Surgical Radical Penis Thickening

Surgical methods are capable of drastically increasing the thickness of the penis. There are many of them. The most famous are the following:
- gel injections;
- pump your own fat under the skin;
- the use of muscle flaps with preserved blood flow;
- implantation of collagen matrices under the skin.
Gel injections allow you to quickly increase the thickness of the penis. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes 30 minutes. The limb maintains its diameter for a maximum of 6 months, so the procedure must be repeated. The disadvantage of this method is the appearance of lymphatic edema and scarring deformity. The skin of the penis becomes inactive, with excitement, pain arises, which leads to a violation of erectile function. The negative consequences of helium injections have led to the fact that its use is recommended to be limited.
Pumping your own fat under the skin is done in steps:
- Fat tissue is removed from the patient, usually in the area above the pubis.
- Fat is specially processed.
- With a syringe, the fat is injected into the penis along its entire length along the shaft.
- The phallus takes on a natural appearance by evenly distributing the fatty tissue.
Penis thickness after fat implantation is maintained for 12-15 months. Then the fat starts to spread and the operation needs to be repeated.
Penile Tissue Transplant Surgery
The use of muscle flaps with preserved blood flow makes it possible to increase the circumference of the penis by 5 to 6 cm. The method is a microsurgical operation to transplant the patient's own tissue into the penis. It is done as follows:
- The foreskin is trimmed and the skin is pushed towards the pubis.
- A flap of muscle tissue with blood vessels is cut from the armpit. The fragment size corresponds to the length of the phallus and its supposed thickness.
- The flap wraps around the body of the penis.
- The flap's blood vessels are sutured to the groin vessels.
- The skin on the penis returns to its place.
The patient is hospitalized for 15 days, of which 5 days was prescribed bed rest. Sex life is allowed after 2 months. The operation gives a lasting result.
The implantation of collagen matrices under the skin is based on the use of tissue engineering achievements. The method is very effective and has virtually no negative side effects. It is based on the cultivation of man's own tissues in Organs genitals. For the thickening, matrices are used, created from the collagen biological material - a protein that is the basis of the body's connective tissues. Cellular elements isolated from the patient's blood are added to the matrix. After implantation of the matrix in the penis, the cellular elements begin to actively multiply, causing cell division in the corpora cavernosa, which causes an increase in the diameter of the penis. The matrix itself, after a few months, completely dissolves and its place is taken by the grown tissues of the genital organ. The phallus looks impressive for a long time.
The diameter of the penis can be increased. For that, there must be real motives and a man's desire.